Babe's First Trophy
Babe had a big weekend!
It started out on Friday. Her first time ever in an AKC show ring was for Puppy Sweepstakes at the Denver Samoyed Association Specialty. Babe was up to the challenge. She won her class, then went on to win Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes. For her efforts she got a lovely lavender rosette and a very nice votive candle holder. See...

Later in the day she won the Bred-By-Exhibitor class, just as she did the following three days. Then to finish the weekend off with a bang, yesterday she won Reserve Winners Bitch to the major. Not too shabby for a little Samoyed Grrrrl who just turned 8 months old yesterday!
As nice as Babe's weekend was, it was not just an All-Babe show. On Sunday Kelly managed to pull of a huge Best of Opposite Sex win which included beating 2 Best in Show dogs and the bitch who was number 1 Samoyed bitch in the country last year. That particular dogs was the top Samoyed (either sex) in the country when the weekend started, and my Kelly beat her!
She Comes By it Honestly
Remember this picture of Kelly from last year?
Apparently the love of dirt is heriditary. Here is a picture of her father, CH Polar Mist Harbor Master taken shortly after he relocated to his new home in the red dirt Jemez Mountains of New Mexico.

Skipper is now living with the owner of Babe's grandfather, great grandfather and great grandmother, my very good friend Mary. I think he's made himself right at home.